Monday, May 21, 2012

Stranger in the Park

I love my town. I mean, really freaking love it. Without a doubt, it is the only town in my state that I could ever live. It's culturally diverse, pretty open-minded, and overall just likeable.

Until you meet the moms. Now, don't get me wrong, I have some really amazing mom friends. Unfortunately, they're not the "norm" from my experience.

Moms here typically tend to be "extreme." Either you are a mainstream parent, or a crunchy attachment parent, and God forbid you fall somewhere in the middle. Because if you sway from one particular parenting style, you are an outcast. So for someone like me, who teeters in between (though admittedly I'm more "crunchy"...just not enough) it's really hard to make actual "mom friends."

So when someone randomly comes along, much like today, I always feel so silly questioning myself. Randomly, I met a fellow mom at the park who struck up a conversation with me and she seemed so...normal. She didn't care how I parented my kids, I didn't care how she parented her daughter, but we were okay allowing them to play together and had a lot of fun just talking to each other. Like normal people.

Which never happens here. Like. Ever.

But I'm not sure if it's okay to just randomly make friends with strangers in the park? I mean, I guess it's no worse than joining my mom's group and having complete strangers over to my house. I suppose at least then there are more mommas around and theoretically someone else in the group is likely to know if someone is legit...

I'm trying to take this new found mommy friendship at face value and not over analyze it. We exchanged phone numbers all 7th grade dating style and everything, with promises to call. So, I guess I should at some point.


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