Well, I think it's safe to say without jinxing myself at this point that B is pretty much at-home potty learned. You know, he goes on the pot all by himself when he needs...if he's nakeds. Which he loves to be naked, so it works.
But the second we put underwear on him it might as well be a diaper. So I think it will be a long while yet before he masters the potty outside of the house, but I am A-Okay with that.
I never had any deep desire nor was in any hurry with either him or H to potty learn. I think diapers are easier. Like way easier. So I don't get the rush or push to potty learn. I mean, it's going to happen eventually, it's pretty near inevitable (for a healthy, normal child). Who cares if they're 16 months old (H) or 3 (the average in the U.S. - we'll just pretend the world average isn't 18 months, or else we'll be sitting around going WTF?).
We didn't do anything different with B than with H, except he has admittedly worn more disposable diapers than cloth diapers. Which probably played some type of role in his whole potty learning process. I don't know.
So what did we do?
Well, not really. We put the little Baby Bjorn potty in the bathroom (okay, so it's been there B's whole life) and let him watch us go potty any time he wanted (okay, we didn't get a choice there). We told him that peepee goes in the potty and kind of left it at that. (In hindsight, we probably should have emphasized that it's also where poop goes...).
And then we just waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Until one day he told me he didn't want his diaper on while we were at home.
I took it off for him and he hightailed it to the potty and the rest is history.
Now, getting him to go on his own while wearing underwear is another story yet to be told. But it took us about two months after H was at-home potty learned (14 months) before she potty learned while wearing chonies.
We'll get there.
And as I said.
We're not in a rush.
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