I struggle a lot with finding the right balance. Not the right balance with kids, house, marriage, etc (I got that down!). But the right balance on what's enough for the kids. Enough activities, enough free time, enough stimulation, etc.
I'm like a crazy person teeter tottering back and forth.
Mostly daily.
Today is a lazy day around here. A rarity for the most part. It's rainy and wet and the car is being worked on so we are home bound all day.
We've played board games and read books a million. We all pitched in to pick up and clean up around the house. I cleaned the kitchen and organized the cabinets and did laundry while the kids entertained themselves with art projects and I finally put in "The Incredibles" and plopped my teething, pitiful B in front of the TV.
And once I finally took the second to sit down and breathe I felt guilty. Which is silly. Right?
I felt bad that we've been home all day. They haven't spent hours at the park or library, or partaken in one of their numerous organized activities (ballet, gymnastic, ice skating, swim lessons...and those are just the ones I pay for! We've got quite a few free ones we participate in weekly, too).
Yesterday was busy. We went to story time and spent all afternoon at the Children's Museum. And when we don't have busy days like that I find myself wondering if it's enough.
Are they getting enough mental and physical stimulation? Are they getting too much on our busy go-go-go days? Are they getting enough attention from me?
I can never figure out if we are way too busy, or not busy enough. It seems every time I feel like maybe we are teetering on too much and I take a break, then I fear we are really falling into not enough.
And then I stop and remind myself that they're 2 and 3 years old.
And yet I still don't really even know what that even means in this whole equation. Except that they are 2 and 3.
So should they be doing more because they are 2 and 3 and this is the time to get them involved and figure out what their true interests are?
Or is this the time when we should be doing less because they're so little and they need more unorganized time?
I will add as an aside here, that my kiddos are the one who requests the activities at this point.
And maybe that should be what I focus on. If they're asking to participate in activities, then it's all okay? Because they know their limits?
Then again, although I trust they know their limits for the most part, I also know that sometimes I know things a bit better and make the wiser decisions. Like H knows when she is tired, and occasionally will ask to go to bed; but mostly if I were to let her go until she finally said enough, she'd all ready be in meltdown mode. And I'd prefer to prevent that, of course.
Lots of kids don't participate in any organized activities at these ages, and they're obviously not hindered. And then there are lots of kids who do way more. Same goes for them.
I actually find this parenting thing to be so much easier as each day passes. I know more. I've made a few more mistakes, which makes me just that much wiser.
But when it comes to this dilemma, each passing day does not make things easier. Does not make me wiser.
Because I'm still clueless on the right balance.
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