Our local Barnes and Noble has had them out for two weeks now and have sold over 100. No joke.
Last year I loved seeing all the photos of my friends who do Elf on the Shelf and the hilarious predicaments the elf found himself in. I loved the creativity and intricacies that went into prepping the elf each night for their little one to discover the next morning.
The first time I mentioned the idea to J he said absolutely not. I agreed, so that was easy. We don't "do" Santa, so why would we do this? We also don't believe in bribery or threatening. We would never tell our children that if they don't behave the way we prefer, some creepy looking doll is going to tell
I don't want my kids to think they get toys simply because they behave well for the month of December. And I don't want my kids to behave well simply because they're being bribed with toys. (Not to mention we don't really buy them Christmas presents anyway, so it would be a terrible bribe/threat.)
BUT...yes, yes, there is a but here. I LOVE the adorableness of simply finding a silly imp each morning who has gotten himself into mischief. I love the fun and creativity that goes into it.
Kind of like the idea of Dinovember (you've heard of that right? Totally adorable idea just like Elf of the Shelf only it's a pack of dinosaur toys getting into mischief for the month of November). Totally adorable and fun with no threatening or bribery going on behind the scenes. I love that.
And on that level, I've totally considered Elf on the Shelf. Forget the book that goes with it, just do it for fun.
But I think I'm too lazy.
I haven't completely thrown the idea out the window yet. I still have a few more weeks to make up my mind.
I just feel like coming up with a new idea each night and setting it up sounds exhausting when I still have floors to sweep and toilets to scrub and meals to prep and a husband to cuddle and some Netflix to watch (yes, yes, I'm not pretending that all I do is work. Just mostly).
So I don't know. Maybe as a fun little idea we will do Elf on the Shelf. Take the reporting back to Santa out of it and all.
Maybe not.
I am pretty lazy.
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