Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I'm in love with the movie Frozen. Absolutely swooning over it. It may very well in fact be my favorite all time Disney movie. And that's a big deal. Because I never thought anything could ever beat The Little Mermaid in my heart.

But it has.

I took the kids this afternoon to see it, and two of their bffs also met up with us there for viewing pleasure.

The movie is epic.

My very first thought when it started was, "Hm...didn't Disney make a huge deal about how they weren't going to make anymore 'princess' movies after Tangled?"

But trust me, that was a fleeting thought because the movie was just was too good.

It was hilarious. Hurt-your-belly-laughing-so-hard hilarious. Other than a fleeting line in one of the first songs where Ana wants to meet a boy and she's acting all seductive with a curtain, I didn't find anything else even remotely inappropriate. And that's huge coming from the momma who can find inappropriateness in just about anything and everything.

Olaf the snowman makes the whole movie. Pretty sure whoever wrote him had a toddler/preschooler. Because that's pretty much what he is. He's got a bunch of random one-liners that I swear could have come out of H and B's mouths.

And it's not your typical love story. Yes, yes, of course they throw some of that romance stuff in there, but it's really a love story between sisters. And it's beautiful. And tragic. And phenomenal. And happy. And mostly just perfect.

Seriously, I'm not too gun-ho on a lot of kids' movies. Especially Disney movies (I know, I know...). But I love this one. Like, I'll be the first one in line to buy it on blu-ray. We will likely go see it again while it's still in theatres because the kids enjoyed it so much (and that's who it's really for, right?).

So I don't care how old you are. If you've got a brother or sister, or really just a heart, you'll love the beauty of this movie. You'll understand and embrace the love story between two sisters and totally walk out understanding how that love story is definitely more epic than the love story between two lovers.

Or maybe that's just me. Because I'm a total sap like that.

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