Who knew a vehicle could elicit such emotions?
After Miss H was born, we knew we wanted to give her a little brother or sister asap. Call us young and crazy - okay, one of us was young, the other crazy - but we had a plan.
So I started researching vehicles. I knew I really wanted a station wagon. I can't pinpoint why exactly; maybe the great trunk space. But it's what my heart was set on. We briefly discussed a mini van, but then quickly dismissed that idea. I had zero desire of every driving a mini van. And since I'd quickly dropped my desire to have five bambinos after having my vivacious H (you're realizing I'm the crazy one right, not J), I knew it wouldn't be necessary.
After a lot of months of researching just what I wanted, and then many more months finding exactly what I wanted in our price range; we purchased my "forever" car - an Audi station wagon.
I won't lie. It was love at first sight. I'm kinda awesome at pegging amazingness the first time I lay eyes on it - I didn't do so bad with J, after all.
It was the first car Mr. B ever rode in when he was a tiny newborn squish, going to the pediatrician for that first time.
We drove that car all over the U.S. It took us to and from New Mexico countless times. It went north and east and south, as well. It was so stinking reliable. It was so much love for an inanimate object.
I was driving that car the first time I was brave enough to make the 12 hour trek to my dad's house solo with the kids. I quickly got brave enough to drive it to and from Maryland several times solo with my sweet babes.
It weathered many snow storms.
It's where my children screamed the seven minutes across town. Where they had poo-splosions of epic proportions. Where sweet H, in the midst of potty training, sat in the back on the baby Bjorn potty on the side of the highway, waving at all the cars going by. It's where I sang "Old MacDonald" and "If You're Happy and You Know It" until my voice went hoarse.
It is where so much laughter and love occurred.
I never imagined parting with it.
Until we did.
I certainly didn't expect to feel so sad. It's a car for goodness sakes. A car.
But my weeping H phrased it perfectly, "We had so many good memories with that car!"
But because I had to put on my big girl panties, I consoled her. I cooed to her all the good memories we will make in our new vehicle. Our mini van. (Oh yes...the joke is on me!) "We are going to drive this car to Denver and to Disney World this fall! It's the first car Doodle Bug will ever ride in. We are going to love it so much and keep this one until you're all grown up. We'll make more memories. And they'll be just as good. I promise."
So now I have a hefty promise to live up to.
But man. I never expected to mourn a car.
It has happy new owners, and we scored a gem of a mini van. But....it will always be our first family vehicle. So it will always matter.
And I'll go eat some pie dwell in the silliness of mourning a car. Just as life should be.
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