It seems that everyone equates cloth diapers with tree huggers. Really, I'm not a tree hugger. Sometimes I wish I was. They are all free-love and seem to have no care in the world. But, regardless, I'm just not a tree hugger. Sure, it's nice that cloth diapers seem to be environmental friendly, it's like a bonus. But I'd never do it because they're kind to Mother Earth. I'm just not that good of a person, to be honest.
The main reason I cloth diaper is because it is CHEAP. Like, to the extreme. We do disposable diapers (7th Generation) at nighttime and when we are travelling. And just in those, I can guarantee we've spent at least 5x on the sposies than we have our entire, rather extensive, cloth collection. That's a lot of money. (A baby goes through approx $2,500 in disposable diapers before potty learning...)
Our babes also have sensitive skin, so really the only diapers we can use are expensive disposables...but to be blatantly honest, I wouldn't want the other diapers on my babes anyway. Don't get me wrong, we've used them. Before I fully realized what was in them. Now it's no way, Jose! Not in a million years. (Okay, if we were in a pinch and needed a dipe and that was all someone else had on them...)
Besides, cloth diapering is easy. No matter what kind you use. Throw them in the wash every few days. Use again. Pretty simple. There really isn't an ick factor. It's not like you are actually touching poop. And quite frankly, your kid's poop just really isn't that big of a deal.
Also, cloth diapers are cute! I mean, baby B crawls around with math problems and bicycles on his bum! What's cuter than that?
So no, I'm really not a tree hugger. Just incredibly cheap.
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