Tuesday, June 19, 2012

She surprises me sometimes!

Sometimes my daughter truly amazes me.

Yes, she's 2. She acts like she's 2. And that's okay. We've all been there at some point.

(Is it bad that I'm currently pretending I don't see baby B eating the cupcake wrapper out of the trash so that I can take the 2 minutes Miss H naps to type this? Yeah, probably...)

But then sometimes she does something that just kind of makes me go, "Whoa! Was that my girl?"

We were at the park today and a little girl who was probably about 4ish, started randomly hitting and shoving Miss H. Her little eyes welled up with tears and I wasn't sure if she was going to cry because she'd just been hurt (and hadn't instigated anything), or if she was just going to turn and wallop the girl. Both scenarios were pretty feasible.

After taking a few steps awayfrom the girl, instead she said, "Hitting's not nice. Maybe you're hungry. I sink (because this is totally how she says "think") I have snacks. Want some?" And came over to get some grapes to share with the little girl.

I watched this whole thing from where I was seated with baby B in the mulch, my jaw probably falling off it's hinge. WTF? Did my little girl really just respond that way?

(Okay...I fished the cupcake wrapper out of his mouth. He's moved on to chewing on the Internet cords...typically they nap at the same time...)

I was just dumbfounded with how well she handled the situation. And how it is in fact possible for kids to handle situations without other intervening all the time.

They ended up sharing grapes and the little girl helped Miss H into a "big kid" swing and pushed her for a while.

And this all seriously started with Miss H minding her own business (for once!) and the child randomly taking out some aggression on her.

I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting!

(And baby B is cutting 3 teeth...so I'll remove him from the cords now and be an attentive momma).

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