A lot of people think that once a baby/child can "ask for it" they shouldn't be allowed to nurse anymore. They'd be really appalled to meet my daughter. Not only can she "ask for it" but we often have conversations while she nurses (yeah, yeah, totally defeats teaching her not to talk with her mouth full).
Well, today while she was nursing I asked her why she likes to nurse. Her immediate response was, "I love Bucky!" (My little sister...)
I laughed at this and told her, "Bucky has nothing to do with you nursing."
She had that big grin on her face and said, "Mouses nurse, too!"
"Mice might nurse," I told her (they do, right?). "But why do you like to nurse?"
"Because...because..." she said in between milk, "It's yummy!"
Okay, I thought, fair enough. And decided to let it go. A few moments later she said, "Baby's nurse. Evelyn (her friend) nurses!"
I shook my head. "No, Evelyn doesn't nurse anymore. She's all done. Do you want to be all done?"
"Well, L and baby Lana nurse!" she declared, ignoring my question altogether.
"Yes, they do. They're both babies. Are you still a baby?"
"No, I'm a big girl," she quickly informed me.
"So you want to stop nursing then?" I asked. I'm not trying to wean her, just was going along with her train of thought.
"No!" she said emphatically. "I'm your baby!"
And she's right. She is. Who can argue with that? So I just smiled and cuddled her.
And a few minutes later she looked up at me and said, "Thank you."
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