Friday, May 10, 2013

It's all about attitude!

It's going to sound a bit lame, but this week definitely makes the top list of one of the best weeks.

Of my life.

Which is a bit crazy, because this week has certainly not been extraordinary.

My kids still don't sleep through the night, so I'm sleep deprived. Maybe even more so than usual because instead of 7pm they've now begun to go to bed at 9pm. Instead of waking at 7am they are now waking at 6am since our sweet new roomie gets up then.

We haven't discovered a magic cure for being 20 months old and 3 years old. So they still, you know, act their ages. Loudly. And in public at times. And of course, always at the most inopportune times.

I don't suddenly have a kick ass six pack or thighs that don't jiggle.

My husband isn't home more often.

My house isn't complete, or even anywhere close to being done. In fact, a sewer line busted and we had to deal with that mess (literally) this week.

My house still looks like a frat party occurred last night. Every day.

And despite all that, this week has been spectacular.

I guess that's all the proof in the world that I'll ever need that it's mind over matter. It's all about your attitude and how you choose to deal with things.

Tuesday morning we woke up and it was absolutely gorgeous out. So we decided to head up to the zoo.

When we went to the Baltimore Zoo last month I'd promised H and B they could ride the carousel at our zoo the next time we made it there. You bet they didn't forget! And H was so happy that she could confidently ride the carousel without Momma hanging onto her.

They also needed a train ride. Because that's just necessary if you're at the zoo, of course!
And some ice cream!
H was very eager to feed the birds. After witnessing another little girl coax the bird onto her arm, she was determined to do the same. And succeeded! (During this time B was continuously flipping over the bars and desperately trying to "catch" a bird...)

And by the end of the day sweet B was tuckered and announced he was going "night-nights" and laid right down.

Thursday was the Strawberry Shortcake Festival. They were all over that. They feasted on strawberry shortcake for lunch (what!?).

They danced and hunted caterpillars and roly-polies with friends.

And they got some lovin' in with their BFF.

This week B has been all about walks. He'll climb up in his stroller and demand we go. So go we go. Because what else do we have to do? Nothing. That's the beauty of this life, especially when you are fortunate enough to have no other obligations (thanks, J! Obviously, this wouldn't be possible for me without my fantastically amazing and every-doting husband). You can do whatever you want whenever you want, just for the fun of it.

One such walk took us to the grocery store (maybe for some wine...) and the kiddos wanted donuts. Once upon a time I'd have said "no" without question. But I said "yes" and they were in heaven.

B even shared with Duckie.

And here's a photo of my cutest boy just because I love him.

Then Friday I got some "me" time. Which occurs approximately once every 6-8 months (and should happen more often, because I know J really enjoys that time with the kids). I had brunch with a bunch of friends sans kids. Went to a much-needed chiropractor appointment. Went shopping solo and actually succeeded in finding two pairs of capris and a pair of shorts. Shirts are going to need some help since the style seems to be see-through or belly shirts...and neither really work for me. And I'm not 40 so I refuse to shop in those clothes quite yet. Just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I'm old. Though I will be half way to 50 in less than two weeks. But I'm pretending that's not actually happening....
When I got home to my sweet babes, I put Mr. B down for a nap and Miss H and I made banana chocolate chip muffins.
H did most of the work.

Then the kids wanted to sing "happy birthday" with candles and everything. We each got turns. Several times. And they were thrilled.
Can't beat that.

This week B has developed an awesome attitude (read the sarcasm here). He's gotten more aggressive and dramatic. It's so hard not to laugh when he gives that evil eye when I tell him "gentle hands. Hitting hurts." Or when he throws himself on his knees and buries his face in his kid-sized chair crying because I've told him I cannot allow him to hurt his sister. I don't find his anguish and distress funny at all, but he's pretty dramatic, and yes, it's a bit humorous because I know how honestly he's come by that.

H is my chatterbox. She talks non-stop. All day and all night. About everything. She's awesome and brilliant and so much fun to be around. I really adore 3 thus far.

Jillian Michaels has been kicking my ass this week. But I'm all ready feeling it, so it's proving to be more affective than the Y. I'll take it.

So as I said, nothing extraordinary this week. Not exceptional or spectacular.

Any yet it was all extraordinary and exceptional and spectacular. Because here we all are. Together. Loved. And happy.

And that's all I could ever ask for.

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