I didn't realize it until recently how many people genuinely cannot deal with their beliefs or ideals being challenged. Even if all the facts point in one direction, they'd rather go to their grave claiming the other direction rather than to ever admit that perhaps they were wrong.
I'm wrong a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Every day.
I'm okay with that.
I'm learning and I accept that.
But I like to be challenged.
There are a lot of things, parenting and otherwise, that I don't agree with. And a lot of things I do.
Sometimes because I have good facts and research to sway me one way. Sometimes because I have personal experience. Sometimes because my natural instincts just tell me to go one way regardless.
But for most things, though admittedly not all, I can typically see the other side. Sometimes I can even agree with the other side on certain things, even if I choose a different way.
I didn't realize this isn't how most people see things. That if you have a belief or idea that differs from them than that must mean you hate them and what they do and who they are. Or that you yourself are backwards and uninformed or educated.
Dudes. We are all on our own learning paths. We are all going somewhere different. We have different experiences and thought processes. We can be given the exact same information and come out believing completely different things because our minds work differently.
It's a beautiful thing really.
So don't be so quick to judge someone who has different ideas. Don't believe they're judging you.
They're not.
They're on their own journey. Learning new things. Sharing their information with the world as they come to know it.
And we might learn something one day and interpret in one way, but as time passes and we gain my experience or different knowledge, we might interpret that same previous thing completely differently.
At least that's how my kind works.
But I'm probably also crazy.
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