Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Growing up and changes

Go figure. Once I get my act together enough that we are doing "school" here on a regular basis, they're both off to school in 1.5 weeks.

Ahhh! How can that be so soon!?

Is it terrible that a part of me hopes they hate it? Yes, yes, I know it's terrible. I hope they hate it and immediately don't want to continue going. Of course, I would never say that to them. I just smile and enjoy their enthusiasm. And I do hope they love it, too. I hope it is a fun, blossoming experience for them.

It's awesome to see how much they grow every day. To witness all the things they learn.

Today, B and I were working on a coloring sheet. It had 10 different ships, each to be colored different colors. In February, he couldn't tell you a single color. Today he knew all of them except "gray." When did that happen!?

A week from tomorrow he'll be three. It is all just blowing by so quickly. I really love this adventure, but sometimes I wish it would slow the heck down.

Last night, when H was in the car coming home from ballet class she said to me, "Momma, I really, super love this ballet class. It's so much fun and I'm learning so much. But I really still want to be in the Nutcracker someday, but...well, this class is just too late. I'm so tired and should be in bed. I really don't think it's a good idea."

I was kind of floored, especially because I had just been talking to a friend of mine during her class about how I wasn't sure how this would work out, especially once kindy starts as she is asleep 1.5 hours later on the night she has ballet than typical. And when you're 4.5 that is a lot of sleep to be missing out on.

I'm so impressed and proud of how mature she is. That she has the ability to separate her fun from her needs. That she can acknowledge she loves ballet, but also realize it is simply too much, too late in the day for her.

I agreed that she could just do her Wednesday dance class which begins at 4:30pm, and forgo the Tuesday night class after next week. We might as well finish out the month that has been paid for since it is only one more week.

I feel like every time we have a good routine down, it gets turned upside down and changed. Kind of like now. In a week and half it will all change. Again.

The truth is, I like change. I kind of thrive on change. When change hasn't happened enough for me, I start changing everything in the house. And J...well, he's not really one for change, so that just throws him off. So it's better that just our routine change.

But I'm excited for all the big changes coming up in our lives. I'm ready to embrace them, and tackle them head on. I'm ready to watch my children in their ventures of kindergarten and preschool. They're growing by day.

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