Saturday, August 16, 2014

Living the life

J was slummin' it in Vegas this past week, so we decided to live it up a bit ourselves. Ha. As if we need an excuse around here.

Sunday we ventured to noon mass. We never go to noon mass. We are typically the 8am early crowd, because that's how we roll. Then we stop off for breakfast after. But since we were so late in the game we decide some Orange Leaf froyo would do instead of breakfast (or lunch!). We sent Papa a know, because it's a rough life in Vegas!

Miss H had been asking to go hiking all weekend, but it was raining. Finally, on Monday, despite the rain, I said okay. It wasn't like we were going to melt in the rain!

We did cross paths with a whopper of a black snake. B walked right over him and was completely oblivious. I was super calm, despite my strong aversion to snakes, but did make the kids be completely still until the snake slithered away, despite being 99% certain is was non-venomous.

Tuesday morning we visited friends and "tye-dyed" some clothes. We actually put the dye in spray bottles and let the kids have at it. Seemed a little easier, despite a very different outcome from typical tye-dyeing. But H and B thought it was awesome, so I will definitely do it again some day!

We then ventured south a bit for lunch with family. We met up with my mom and little sister and youngest brother, as well as my lovely grandmother. It was really nice to visit and hang out with them as all, as we rarely all get together.

That's four beautiful generations of fierce and mighty women right there!
We ended that day out with a  nice long evening at the park and plans to join my little bro and sis at Holiday World the next day.
My little animal lover was ecstatic to find this empty bird's nest!
I had really wanted J to be there for the kids' first trip to HW, especially since J had never been there before either, but as is life. I really didn't want to deal with the weekend crow, and Wednesday was the last weekday of it being opened, so we went. And I am so glad we did. The lines were non-existent and the kids had a blast!
We spent the first few hours at the waterpark. It's set up awesomely for littles. There was a whole section of young kid water slides with about 8 or 9 slides. I could just hang out in the shallow pool that the slides fed into and the kids could do their thing with zero lines and I could keep my eye on them the whole time. Lots of fun!
Of course, I forgot my swimsuit so I borrowed my sister's as she and my brother opted not to do the waterpark (it was admittedly chilly). She and I, however, are well-endowed in different areas. So it was a task keeping my britches up and my bosom covered. Thank goodness I didn't run into anyone I knew at the waterpark!

After we finished with the waterpark, we were sitting on a bench and the kids were enjoying some dippin' dots, it happened that my bro and sis walked by. So we hooked up with them at that point, as with the exception of the roller coasters which neither kid could ride, they could ride everything else with an adult. (Okay, B was just barely skimming by at the 36" mark!)

The kids' favorite was hands down the Raging Rapids. And it might have been my favorite to watch them on. Their laughs and squeals were priceless! We had such a great day, and I cannot wait to go back next year - this time with J!

We were up bright and early Thursday for H's horse back riding lessons. I don't think that girl could be more excited about anything right now. She asks every single day if it's horse back riding day.

She'd been asking since March to take lessons, but we've always been so busy to fit it in. So after she asked to take a break from both piano and gymnastics (and in her words, "it's just a break, not a permanent situation"), I figured we finally had the time.

They have several dogs at the ranch, and B was in love playing with them while H rode. It was a win-win situation.

Then we headed to the gym so I could get in a work out, and mostly, a run. For reasons I will probably never understand I promised my little sister I'd run a half marathon with her next spring.

I loathe running. Despise it. I'm pretty sure that people who say they actually enjoy it aren't even human. When I'm running, I think of all the terrible, awful things I'd rather do than run - like pull my fingernails out one by one. Seriously. I don't like running. P90X, yoga, Pilates, sure. Running - just no. But I do what I say I will do, so I will do this. And it will be awful. But it will have an ending, thank goodness!

Friday we had a great, lazy day. More running, but otherwise, beautifully lazy.

And we finished out the week with J back home and a farm tour at the farm we get our milk and eggs from. H has been asking about going back ever since we left it last year. She had baby chicks on her mind, and she was united with some. Which made her blissfully happy.

It goes without saying, we are living the life over here.

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