Monday, December 31, 2012

13 New Years Resolutions for 2013

Somehow it's going to be New Years Day tomorrow. I didn't even realize that today was New Years Eve until I saw it on a friends status last night. Yep. I'm so on top of things these days!

In my defense I'm night weaning B (you thought I did that back in May, right? I did. For one night. After that he went all ape shit crazy and I had a lot of guilt still from when H was a baby so I said fuck it.) He's actually pretty unphased, but he's also cutting 6 teeth, so pretty terrible timing of me. So now he thinks 4am is a great wake up time. But I can't really complain, since he's been super amenable to the night weaning with no tears or fussing...

Anyway, I've never been one for New Years resolutions, but I figure it can't hurt. Maybe actually putting it down to visibly see will motivate my bum to actually do all this. Maybe...

So here are my 13 New Years Resolutions:

1.)    The obligatory get my ass in shape by 25 and eat healthier (I know some of you are rolling your eyes at this one, but seriously, I can always do better)

2.)    Be a better parent.

3.) Upcycle more clothes for the kidlets.

4.)    DIY projects:

a.)    wedding song lyrics on canvases

b.)    H’s duvet

c.)    Paint fridge

d.)   And other things that float my boat

5.)    Coffee bar

6.)    H and B’s rooms set up and completed – waaaay too many details to list, but also includes a LOT of DIY

7.)    Picture frame wall in bathroom

8.)    Write people letters/postcards, and get the kids involved, too!

9.)    More random acts of kindness – it makes all of us happier filling buckets.

10.)                        Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan!

11.)                        Finish project S&S

12.)                        Organize and print photos from past three years…

13.)                        Keep calm and carry on

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