2012 is coming to end here shortly (and not because of the end of the world, I managed to survive that one! Now onto Zombie Apocalypse survival...I hope you can sense my extreme sarcasm here).
I can't believe it's almost over. A whole year has come and gone. A whole year of my babies growing, growing, growing. I'm fairly certain Miss H woke up 3 inches taller just today. So you can only imagine what a whole year has added up to (you know...she's like 73 feet tall at this point, of course!).
The year has had it's ups and downs, as have all years.
Instead of saying, "These were the hardest things this year" or "These were the easiest things this year" I'm going to tell you my top twelve least expected hardest/easiest parts of this past year.
We'll start with top 12 least expected hardest things this past year:
1.) Accepting that I am enough. I never realized how difficult this would be.
2.) Finding clothes that fit. Again, who'd have though that by getting skinnier, clothes would actually be harder to find. I assumed it would get easier.
3.) Finding cute boy shoes. Girl shoes are so easy to find. I figured boy shoes would be the same. I figured wrong.
4.) Disconnecting myself from the people I have unhealthy relationship with. One would think that realizing and accepting unhealthy relationships would be the challenge, and once you managed that, it'd be easy to throw in the towel. No such luck, my friends. No such luck.
5.) Getting my butt to the gym. Before I had kids I loved going to the gym. And I did so religiously. Getting back into that groove has been more difficult than I anticipated, though I'm getting there.
6.) Surviving the aftermath (my own emotional repercussions) of cutting all of my hair off. 'Nuff said on that one.
7.) Taking a decent photograph. Good camera does NOT equal good photo. But we're working on it.
8.) Surviving months 3-6 of "the 2's". Nothing could have prepared me. Nothing.
9.) Staying on top of laundry. Why is this so hard?
10.) Dealing with the babes growth spurts/growing pains. I had no idea growing pains were real. And they're fierce.
11.) Accepting that there will be no more babies. Once I was clear headed from the PPD, my first revelation and regret was that we were done having children. Accepting that was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.
12.) Finding BBQ sauce that does not contain high fructose corn syrup. Dude, read the labels of all the BBQ sauces next time you are in the grocery store. You will know what I mean.
And on to the top 12 least expected easy parts of 2012.
1.) Finding artificial food coloring free candy canes. It's been so difficult to find AFC free treats when I want to get something particular. But the candy canes, they were just sitting there on the end shelf in the Co-op, patiently waiting for me. Bliss.
2.) Leaving H at preschool the second go around. The first time we tried preschool I was an emotional mess. I expected to be the same way when we tried in October. Not so much. At all.
3.) Overcoming post partum depression. I thought for sure that this one would be difficult. But once I had the right resources and tools, it was relatively easy to kick.
4.) Taking a 24 hour car ride with both kids (more than once!). My kids hate the car. Yet it was relatively painless.
5.) Moving H into her own bed. I was expecting tears and all around just a no-go. But she took to it like a pro. Sure, she still doesn't sleep through the night and ends up with us half way through, but the starting out in her own bed was too easy.
6.) Blogging. Apparently it's just really easy to say whatever I feel like without a censor. Who knew?
7.) Ridiculous amounts of purging. I learned how incredibly easy it is for me to pitch things. I have no sentimental value to anything with the exception of a few baby things from the kids. I have virtually nothing in storage anymore other than a few photo albums because it's been good willed if I don't use it or display it.
8.) Still being in the lovey-dovey stage of marriage despite having two toddlers. I have been warned since before our first was born that once you bring children into the relationship, your marriage changes. You no longer have time for cutes and cuddles with your spouse and your sex life goes downhill. But, our relationship is virtually unchanged with the exception of less exotic travels.
9.) Remaining calm when B knocked himself unconscious. Once, a 6 foot garter snake was within inches of me. I screamed like a banshee until someone rescued me. So I assumed I was a "freaker outer" but it turns out I'm not. I'm a freaking ray of calmness on a natural disaster day.
10.) Doing activities (park, library, pool, etc.) sans J, with two walking toddlers. Everyone had me prepared for hell and impossibility. But I say poo poo on that. Two is a piece of pie. Mostly.
11.) Dropping 25 pounds before even stepping foot in the gym. It's all in the food, baby. It's all in the food.
12.) Accepting help. I still cannot ask for it, but accepting it when offered proved incredibly easy. Who knew?
And there you have it folks. My 2012 in a nutshell with a pretty bow on top.
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