The past 2.5 weeks I've been off. Completely out of whack. I could notice it a bit, but just assumed it was typical sleep deprivation. (So any/all terrible things I've said to anyone or the general populace, please do forgive me!)
Until I vented a whole slew of things to a good friend a few days and was able to go back and re-read my thoughts and I was just like, "Whoa, Ki! That's not normal. That goes a bit above and beyond sleep deprivation and a really rough day in mommyhood."
So I had to go back and figure out what could cause me to be so freaking out of whack. And it didn't take me very long to do it.
I've heard of people getting feelings similar to the "baby blues" when their children wean. Much like the "baby blues" not everyone experiences it, but it's super common and completely normal. No one really talks about it, but I'd vaguely heard it in passing.
The kids are weaned!? you ask.
Starting roughly 2.5 weeks ago they drastically cut down on how often they're nursing. B went from easily nursing 10-12 times a day to about 5-6. H went from 5-6 to 0-3. So whereas that's still a lot of time on the boob, it's a huge difference.
Especially when breastfeeding is a hormonal thing.
Each time you breastfeed your body releases a hormone called oxytocin. It's a "happy" hormone. A euphoric, feel-good hormone. You also get this hormone from snuggling, cuddling, sex, etc. But it's pretty strong during breastfeeding.
Well, my daily oxytocin dose just got cut pretty severely.
So it makes sense.
I just wish people talked about this stuff more. No one has ever really talked about how they felt physically/mentally/emotionally when their children weaned. So it's kind of like uncharted territory.
My babes aren't weaning. At least B isn't. H, maybe. We'll see. I certainly wouldn't be sad about it. We've had a good 3-year run thus far.
Anyway, this is for anyone who has weaned or even had a sudden decrease in nursing sessions who suddenly felt like they were going through some terrible baby blues all over again. It's normal. And you're amazing. Just ride it out. Eat yummy, healthy foods. Exercise. And find a good friend you can vent terrible things to who won't judge you (too much!).
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