Sunday, April 28, 2013

B's big boy room!

It does not feel like the kiddos and I have been home for 5 whole days. I'm beat. I've hardly had a chance to sit down, hence the lack of posts.

My sweet little sister C is moving in with us this week, so I've been trying to get things around here in order - which most definitely include H and B's new bedrooms.

Yes, yes, laugh at will. They might not sleep in them, but they now have some mega cute bedrooms.

Actually, tonight is their first real night in them and H went gladly and willingly, and B even fell asleep with me sitting on the floor beside his bed, no cries or anything. So I'll take it. Even if it only lasts an hour.

The kids' rooms still needed painted when I got back from PA. A good friend of mine came up Thursday and helped play with the kids while I painted B's room. Then J and I worked like madmen Friday, Saturday and today getting things arranged and in order, as well as running to stores for last minute things such a little cubby for B's room and a twin sized mattress since we decided not to put H in the full-sized bed, but that's for a post about her bedroom (if I get around to it).

I love B's room now. Like truly, mega adore it. It's pretty simple and basic, no clutter. I adore it.

Here are some pics of the before. Remember, they shared the room then (though rarely slept in it). It's not very cute, but got the job done (because it's only job was look like these kids have a room if anyone comes here).

And here are the pics of B's room now. Despite the absolutely shitty lighting. I snapped these right before putting B in bed, so it's evening and the light is crap. Maybe if I ever get ambitious I'll update with better lit photos. Maybe...
B has the awesome bedroom furniture of being 2nd born. You'll see. It costs 1/14 of what H's did. I wish I was making that number up. The saddest part is I actually prefer his furniture to hers now. Go figure. Let's hope he doesn't hold it against me.
That super awesome space mobile is from Pottery Barn Kids. I guess the sun didn't quite make it into the picture. The little moon light and the bed are Ikea. You can't forget the sippy cup of water or "Buuunnnyyyy!" (aka Little Nut Brown Hare) or else bedtime won't happen (the giraffe pillow pet is H's, he was just photo bombing here). B wanted orange walls, so this was the orange J and I settled on (J wanted a more pastel, I wanted more vivid, so I made a comforter with the vivid orange instead).

This is his cute reading and play area. I think it's my favorite part of the room. I got the little circus tent that's hanging on top from Ikea, as well as the photo shelves that I used for his books. The little cubby is from Target, and if I'm being truthful, it is completely empty right now other than the little Thomas sitting there.

This is a view from standing in the doorway. You can just barely see the end of the bed to the left. That is the curtain and blackout curtain that has been in the room since H was an infant. I thought about switching it, but meh. Maybe some other time. The rug on the floor is from PBK, too.  And of course, there is a photo of my handsome boy plastered on the wall back there!

Looking into the room at a slight right angle. His little cross he received at his Baptism is almost visible hanging by the closet on the left hand side. And yes, we still need to hang the closet door back up.

Here's my Pinterest masterpiece. The dresser. That's a $30 Craigslist solid wood dresser, painter by moi. Of course, I'm cheap so I just used leftover bathroom paint, so it's not really a color that matches anything. Oh, well. The little clothes hamper is from Ikea and belongs in the closet, but H kept pulling it out and crawling into it and meowing like a cat. Whatever makes her happy.

Those amazing robot canvas pics came from Hobby Lobby. I picked those up while Christmas shopping when they were on sale for a whopping $15 each. Who can beat that? My favorite part about them is that they have glitter on them. For a little boy who loves his sparkle, they're perfect!
So there you have it. B's big boy room! I can't believe he is sleeping in his own room right now!
There is a lot of color in this room. Like a ton. Which I adore. And it's so much B's personality it fits him perfectly. Anyway, hope you enjoy seeing this as much as I had fun creating it! 

1 comment:

  1. We had GREAT success when we moved by making S her own big girl room. It had new paint and it wasn't a drab tan color anymore. :) Making it their own space will definitely help.
