When I was little I was always told I was an introvert and didnt like to be around people.
Now that I'm older I know that's not true. I love being around people. It depends on the day. And the people. But I'm extremely outgoing and I need to socialize.
I do like being alone, too, though. I unwind by myself better. I prefer being with my husband and kids over anyone else, but I certainly enjoy and want to be around others too.
I'm human.
It's strange because since I've had kids in many ways my social life has expanded exponentially. My social circle is huge. I realized I can't run to Target in sweats and no make-up thinking no one will notice me. It's inevitable I will run into someone I know.
I have lots of friends. "Mom friends" for labeling sakes. They're amazing and beautiful people.
My pre-baby friends are admittedly fewer in quantity, but not in quality. It's only hit me in that past 24 hours how much I miss these friends though.
I don't talk to any of them as much as I should. With most of them it's in passing. A birthday. Christmas.
I really should be better at staying in touch with people. I should write more letters. Send more emails. Make more phone calls.
Okay, maybe texts. Lets not push things here. I'm the worlds worst phone talker. Those who've been so lucky to have even a 30 second phone conversation with me know I'm just super awkward on the phone.
Actually spending quality time with these people would be nice too.
I've got friends that I've had since I was a tiny little bit in her first theatre production (oh, my children's dramatic acts makes sense now, eh?). Friends from my various high schoos. From college. From living abroad. Friends I was blessed with by my marriage. Friends I've made due to my kids -both nearby and afar. Friends who also just so happen to be family.
All these people are amazing. They're the people who in different ways I lean on. I seek their advice. Often times their support.
I love these people. I value them.
It's crazy that I don't take my husband or children for granted. Not for a second. I know there isn't enough time in the grand scheme of things.
And yet I've certainly taken all my friends for granted. I keep thinking there will be plenty of time. And likely there will be.
But what if there isn't?
I don't want to have regrets and remorse that I wasn't a better, more involved, more reliable friend.
So I am going to be.
Because Lord knows I wouldn't be where I'm at or who I am without my friends.
I loved seeing you last week!!!! :)