Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Farm Fesitval!

This morning the kiddos and I ventured off to a local farm festival for some animal lovin' with our local home school group.

The babes are obsessed with animals. Like mega. How unfortunate that they have a mother that really cannot stand them.

Oh, well. As is life.

When we got to the farm I accidentally rolled down the passenger side window. With gray clouds looming I figured my car was going to be soaked, since it's jankity and takes two people to roll up. Fortunately it didn't rain while we were there and I flagged down an old man later on in the parking lots of B&N to help me out. I digress...

The very first animals we saw were the bunnies. H was absolutely tickled to death. B loved them as well. Though he kept trying to get them to nibble on his fingers because he found it to be hilarious, even though the little old ladies who were caring for the rabbits were terrified he was going to get hurt. I saw "live and learn."

After the rabbits they pet some sheep, which the guy was impressed B knew it was a sheep automatically, as he said even most adults say "goat." We also got in some goat love and got to pet some pigs. H and B were uber stoked to see there was a horse there. That not only could they pet it, they could also brush it!

And there were more rabbits. And turkeys and ducks and geese. We even spotted a beautiful peacock up in a tree.

After more rabbits they got a chance to feed the cows, which B most especially loved. He's all about the cows.

Then we took of for a hay ride, which of course, was the high light of the entire trip.

We finished off our farm trip with some popcorn and another visit with the bunnies before heading out to hit up story time, because the kids' are bit obsessed and wouldn't have let me live it down if we'd missed it. Even if it were so we could see animals.

Those are owls made out of paper bags. But I know you don't need me to tell you that. I mean, it's obvious. Right?
Despite the incredibly ornery and demanding moods my littles seem to be in today (um...did anyone in this house sleep last night? No...), I'm thoroughly enjoying them. I'm feeling super blessed just to have the ability to do all the fun things with them.
I'm making sure I don't take them for granted.


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