Monday, January 27, 2014

Preschool and I are not friends. The end.

I'm not really "for" school in general for my kids. Like, just thinking about sending them off to school or preschool gives me anxiety.

But H wants it. Sooooo badly she wants it.

So I made J look at preschools with me. And if H goes, B wants to go, too, of course. Cool.

I thought we found the one. Other than plastic toys, there wasn't much to object to or not like.

And then I realized that their "3 by August 1" deadline was non-budging. Never mind B turns 3 in August, there is no allowance. At all.

Well, F that. I'm not sending one kid to one school and the other to a different one. Geez, how hard do they think I'm going to make this on myself?

So I think the universe is telling me to go with my gut. No school.

But then H says differently.

So I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.

Universe? God? H?

Someone else needs to figure this stuff out, because I'm exhausted and exasperated. And I'm done searching and touring and questioning and investing.

This should be easier.

I mean, duh. Everything about parenting should be easier.

You're laughing now, eh? I know, I know.

But seriously, preschool is the devil. It's out to get me and deprive me of what little sleep I get.

Dear Preschool, We are not friends. The end.

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