Thursday, July 31, 2014

What I love

I was never the kid who knew exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up.

I went in phases. A teacher, an OBGYN, a marine biologist, a journalist...the list goes on.

I began college as a psychology major. I graduated with degrees in International Studies and History. My International Studies focuses on human rights - my thesis project was over human trafficking. History focused on Western European - I went into thinking I wanted to focus on Holocaust history, but ended up much more interested in medical history; writing my history thesis over the history of medical ethics.

But are they what I want to do when I grow up?

Heck no!

I'm doing what I want to do.

I've been so fortunate with motherhood. It's opened my eyes in ways I never could have imagined. And I've embraced it with an absolute passion I've never before felt.

Sometimes I'm tired, frustrated, terribly annoyed. But seriously, it lasts all of two seconds, because I so deeply love being a mother. I used to feel a little subpar for simply being a mother and nothing more. Now I feel pretty damn mighty. I have found what I love. And I'm doing it. Very few people seem to get that in life.

And I mean, look at these amazing babes - who could want to do anything other than mother them anyway?

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