Friday, June 7, 2013


Today has been a hard day in the land of motherhood. I'm pretty sure that's some kind of sin to actually admit, but alas, I'm no saint.

If one word could sum up my current feelings it is TIRED.

I'm tired of being patient.

I'm tired of being kind.

I'm tired of being understanding.

I'm tired of parenting alone (only two weeks down, 4.5 more to go).

I'm tired of having no one reliable who I can depend on around for days like today when I'm about to lose my freaking mind.

So yes, I'm tired. Exhausted.

And if I hear one more freaking person who has never had children utter that they are tired I'm likely to club a baby seal. If you don't have, or never have had children, you can't play the tired card. You just can't.

60 year olds whose children are long grown can say they're tired. Because they know what it means. They've experienced it. And they know it's not a word to be flung around lightly. So they only use it when they truly mean it.

I thought I new tired before kids.

I had no freaking clue.

(And don't worry, despite being tired, I am being patient and kind. Understanding might be a far stretch for today though.)

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