Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Katy Perry and Sea Creatures

In the car this morning, Pink played on the radio.

"Momma, is this Katy Perry?" H asked. She's totally in love with Katy Perry. Her music. She wouldn't know her if you showed her a picture of her. I don't think.

"No. It's Pink," I answered.

"Can you put Katy Perry on? We should listen to 'roar! oh-oh-oa-oh!'"

"It's the radio, babe. I can't choose what they play."

"Oh," H said. "How about you just call her then? She can just sing it to me on the phone."

"I can't call her, honey. I don't know her."

"What!?" He voice was utter horror. And then she let out a heart-wrenching sob, like someone had just stolen her puppy. "But you're supposed to be best friends!"

And that is how I ruined H's world before 10am.

Fortunately by the afternoon she'd moved on. And she and B were playing in the sandbox. And then at the water table. And back to the sandbox.

It was a lovely afternoon and I just got to chill and watch.

It was beautiful.

I should mention, that although I clean out their water table every week or so typically, we've just been out of town for two weeks and I hadn't done that since before we left.

The water was, um, not pretty.

H happily squealed, "Momma, look! A sea creature! Can we keep them?"

She brought me her shovel with water and sure enough, a tiny little sea creature.

Also known as a baby mosquito.

"Probably shouldn't," I answered.

Later, she showed her awesome findings to her papa, who suggested we rid the water table of the blood-suckers. H was not having that.

"You can't just kill sea creatures! Even if they are mosquitos," she wailed. "God made them, too!"

Whelp, J obviously lost that argument.

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