Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Home, and now summer has begun!

Goodness gracious summer has taken off with a bam!

Yes, yes, I do know summer doesn't technically start for a few more weeks yet. But for us, it has begun.

We took off for a mini-vacation in the Big Apple. It was a first for all of us - none of us had ever been!

We started that trip off with some roller-coaster emotions as it hit me for the first time that Mr. B is truly a little boy now. His babyness is gone, and he's a full-fledged, adorable, mischievous, little boy. It's a fantastic and beautiful thing. I adore him. But it's a weepy moment, accepting that he's no longer a baby. Yeah, when it comes to my kids I'm totally emotional.

I turned 26 in the city with my beautiful family and my oldest, dearest friend. I thought being that much closer to 30 than 20 would at least bother me a little bit, but nope. I'm totally ready for 30!

We got to play tourists for a few days, which was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed it!

No better way to celebrate a birthday than some ice cream on the streets of NYC!
Then J and I took a monumental step - for us anyway - as parents, and left out dear H ad B over night with my dear friend and her boyfriend while we headed to my other awesome friend's wedding. The whole experience was quite bittersweet.
H and B had a grand time. And the wedding was gorgeous. In J's words, "This is a really nice wedding. Way better than ours." And I totally agree!
After all the fun it was time for business. The kids and I went to Maryland with J for work. Let's just be honest, Maryland is ridiculously gorgeous. But equally as boring. It was a very long few days. We visited parks and maritime museums and the library. The library was fantastic. The kids thought it was all wonderful, and that's what matters most anyway.

But I'm glad to be home. For now anyway.

The last few months have been crazy on us all. So much in and out, a lot of J being gone. We've really gotten off kilter.

So this summer, despite the fact that J will in fact be gone a good chunk, if not all of it, I'm setting a goal for myself to get things back on track.

We have got to stop eating out or ordering in. I am in fact capable of cooking for just three people as opposed to four. Even if some days I don't believe it.

There is no excuse for not exercising daily. Being a parent short is not a valid excuse.

The kids need more intellectual stimulation. I mean, yeah yeah yeah. We read a ridiculous amount and the go to the library, and explore outside and museums, etc., etc. But H really wants more "schoolwork." And since she came to the realization that she cannot in fact go to kindergarten in the fall AND still attend her extracurriculars (here's a good lesson in money!) she's resolved that she will have to let mommy be her teacher. Because giving up dance and piano and gymnastics was not even something she was willing to consider. As is life.

Anyway, we are super excited to be home and back into our crazy busy lives. I do intend to make everyone slow down some this summer, most especially me. I've let myself get so pent up with stress and whatnot that I've forgotten to stop and smell the roses and sip my coffee instead of chug it.

Life is beautiful. You only get to enjoy it once. No need for it to be crazy.


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