Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A little nature

H and B love all things outdoor and nature. So I make a pretty conscious effort to get them out into nature as often as possible (at least once a week, though often times more). I mean, we do outside for hours every day whether it just be the back yard or a park; but some good ol' hiking and creek stomping soothes the soul.
Well, their souls.
My soul just cries and is on high alert for snakes. Or spiders. Or anything that flies or crawls or moves in general. I am not one with nature unlike my sweet babes.
But my children don't know that. I'm fairly confident they could never tell you that I don't love insects and reptiles because despite my better judgment, I tend to jump right in with them and I hold those creepy crawlies without making a face because I have zero desire to pass my fears and biases off to them.
Man, oh man, though. It's not always easy.
They discovered a snake swimming in the wetlands. Fortunately there was a passerby who identified it as harmless while I was trying not to shriek at my kids to run the other way (the snake was in the middle of the water. My children were not. They were safe regardless. But still).
Per typical for my kiddos, H insisted on wearing a tutu to go hiking. B promptly lost his pants. And underwear. Don't ask.
But they spent 3 lovely hours getting wet and filthy and being great adventurers. H toted her little notebook with her, making note of anything she found to be interesting.
I'm telling you, time in nature heals all. There are no arguments or fits. No sassiness. No meltdowns. And on the upside, they both fall asleep at night immediately from shear exhaustion. It really is a win-win situation all around.
I'm not sure I'll ever love nature, despite my dream home being smack dab in the middle of it all. I mean, I'm certain in the event of the zombie apocalypse the zombies won't be my problem. The creepy crawlies that I'll encounter while living a nomadic lifestyle would be.
But regardless, my kids will always think I love nature just as much as they do. And in some ways I do; because I love anything that includes them and makes them happy. And nature never lets them down!


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