Friday, September 11, 2015

Rainy Days

I'd be a liar if I said mothering wasn't the absolute most emotionally-rewarding, exponentially gratifying experience of my life.

I'd equally be a liar if I didn't say that mothering is also the most emotionally-depleting experience of my life.

But it never fails, when God, Mother Nature, whomever, knows that I'm using my very last reserves, they call up those moments that soothe your soul and balance everything out.

Like rainy days. Perfectly gray, dreary days that have so much joy in them if you take them time to let it happen.

Yes, you may play in the rain.

Yes, you may splash in the puddles.

Yes, you may be a princess while you do it.

Yes, you may be a samurai while you do it.

Yes, you are filling up my cup so high with love and gratitude just by letting me watch.

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