Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"I fear a world run by adults who were never spanked as children." Really!?

So there is this little picture-thing on facebook (what the heck are they called??) going around that says something like, “I fear a world run by adults who were never spanked as children.”

Really? I mean, really?

What a thing to fear.

Some of the best people I know were never hit as children. They are the most secure, academically and financially (career) best off. They have the least anxiety and depression issues. But okay.

Some of the wealthiest countries, such as Sweden, also have the lowest rates of crime, poverty, and emotional disorders. Guess what. It’s illegal to spank your child there. Coincidence? I think not.

And really, it makes sense.  I mean, if an adult were to hit another adult it is called assault. That is punishable by fine and/or jail time. That’s pretty serious.  If a child hits another child they are immediately reprimanded and oftentimes punished because as parents, we feel it necessary to teach our children not to hit since it is mean. And God forbid a child hit an adult. Just the idea of it is crazy. It’s an absolutely intolerable act.

And yet when a parent hits a child, a person a fraction of their size, a person most susceptible to the damages of inconsistencies, we get a pat on the back and commended for “being a parent.” Definitely showed that kid who is boss.

If we are supposed to teach our children that hitting is wrong, then what in the world is hitting them teaching? It’s only okay to hit if you’re bigger? It’s only okay to hit if you don’t like what the other person has done? Hm…that’s pretty inconsistent to me.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not perfect. Not always consistent. I just think the whole idea of spanking is screwy from the start. I can accept that people get super frustrated and lose their shit. That’s honestly about the only time spanking makes “sense” to me. Still not right, but I get it.

What’s super twisted is when people say you should never spank out of anger. Wait until you’ve calmed down and are rational, then spank. WTF? What kind of rational human being thinks, “Oh, I should hit my kid. I’ve only got 20+ years on him and at least 100 lbs, I obviously cannot come up with a better solution to handle this situation than with physical violence.”  Terrific.

But really, regardless of my feelings toward the whole subject I really don’t care if someone actually does choose to spank their kid. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it and I’m not going to stop talking to you (but you may me after you read this) or being your friend. I do however, find a statement that you actually fear a world run by adults who were never spanked as kids to be a tad bit ridiculous. Okay, a whole lot ridiculous.

There are some much greater things in this world to fear. Rather the adult next to me was ever hit as a kid just doesn’t make my list. Or if the kid in my daughter’s preschool class gets smacked for hitting, that’s really not my business (unless it’s actual abuse).

So yeah, I have a lot of fears about the way the world is run and by whom it’s run…but how they were disciplined (or lack thereof) as kids, just isn’t one of my fears. Just saying.

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