Friday, November 8, 2013

A little lesson in money

I've never really talked money with H & B. I mean, I've handed them money to pay for their own treats at the café, and they've stuck quarters in the parking meters for me, but an actual concept of it.


They rarely ask for anything other than Starbucks and books, and I rarely say no. And truthfully, most the "stuff" is all me and J. They could care less for the most part.

The past few months with furlough and our house in NM being on the market, I've occasionally told them no books this week, but perhaps next week. They were always amenable to it, so I never needed to explain more to them. And I'm not sure how I would have in a way not completely over their heads anyway.

I know a lot of people (most maybe?) all ready "do money" with their kids by H's age, whether it be through allowance or whatnot. Maybe I've been doing them both a disservice, I don't know.

Anyway, they recently chose some toys to get rid of that they no longer play with. They took part in choosing which ones and were there to see them go. They'd been asking for some new craft supplies, so I took them to Hobby Lobby this morning.

With the holidays fast approaching I didn't want this turn to into a complete budget blower. The kids and I in a craft store can get crazy really quickly.

So I took out two $20 bills and told them that they had $40 to spend total. (Maybe that was too much. I haven't decided yet). They could get whatever craft stuff they wanted, but it had to cost no more than $40. And it also had to include glue sticks and new washable markers (which they were out of).

I was so super impressed.

Like ridiculously.

They wanted puff balls. And after quite some time of examining each package, they agreed on three different packages - red, sparkly purple, and a mixed package. With no arguing.

Then we moved onto foam stickers. They had a little trouble there deciding on which they wanted, and if they got more than one package it would really put a damper on their budget. I casually pointed out a pack of sparkly foam stickers clearanced at $2 and they immediately jumped on that.

Then they chose some regular washable markers, and decided to splurge on a pack of scented washable markers, too. I mean, who doesn't love to sniff markers!?

Because they're obsessed with cutting, the obviously each needed new scissors. Pink and yellow.

And a new package of construction paper - to cut up, of course!

Then they each chose a Christmas foam kit. H chose a kit that made 24 foam gingerbread houses. B's makes foam birds. They happily agreed to share with each other.

Plus a huge package of glue sticks (we go through glue sticks like cookies around here). And two packages of googly eyes. Because who doesn't love googly eyes?

They were so excited to hand all their items to the lady at the check-out, and watch her ring each thing up. When she gave them the total, H looked at me and said, "Do we have enough money, Momma?"

I explained to her the total amount, and the amount she and B had together, and told her yes (they were pleasantly under budget). They handed over their money and were all too eager to carry their bags to the car.

They looked at each item over and over on the drive home, and immediately got to crafting upon our arrival.

I think I will definitely be doing this more often. Giving them money for certain things and being there as a guide for them if things get tricky. Though they did awesome, I don't even know if they need me, ha! If anything, I was the problem. Because I had to fight the urge to buy other craft things for them that looked cool to me, and just purchase them outside of their "budget." But I didn't. Because this was an awesome teaching and learning lesson for all of us.

They are more than capable for figuring this kind of stuff out and compromising and agreeing with each other. And sticking to a budget.

They're probably better at it than their momma. So it was a good lesson for me, too!

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