Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Tree

This afternoon the kiddos and I made a "Thankful Tree."

It was insightful.

1.) My kids had no idea what the word "thankful" even meant.

2.) They are thankful for strange cows. Maybe that's no so strange. They really like their cheeseburgers.

3.) It is really hard not to interject. There were times that I really wanted to interject and say, aren't you thankful for so-and-so are such-and-such. But I didn't.

4.) I still have OCD tendencies, despite my best to suppress them now that I have babes, and my babes best to suppress them by virtually making them impossible to carry out on a daily basis and still allow us to have a healthy, happy home and relationship. In other words, I did. not. touch. the. tree. I helped cut pieces out and put tape on the back, but they taped it all up and put the leaves where they wanted them. And I. did. not. touch. it. Or "fix" it to make it look the way I envisioned.

Anyway, here's their tree:

And because you're probably curious, the things they're thankful for are, in nor particular order:

1.) Pigs
2.) Cows
3.) Pirates
4.) Princesses
5.) Pancakes
6.) Ballet
7.) Singing and Dancing
8.) Grandparents
9.) Marshmallows
10.) Train rides
11.) Parties
12.) Olivia
13.) Horses
14.) Mommy
15.) Papa
16.) Giving to others
17.) Snow
18.) B
19.) H
20.) Soccer
21.) Lollipops
22.) Pumpkins
23.) Dinosaurs
24.) Fuzzy Boots
25.) Tia C
26.) Restaurants
27.) Nursies
28.) Toys
29.) Dresses
30.) Gymnastics
31.) Trees
32.) Play-dough
33.) Making cake
34.) Jokes
35.) Crafts
36.) Books
37.) Music
38.) Nino and Nina
39.) Hugs
40.) Butterflies
41.) Train rides
42.) Aunt B
43.) Hippos
44.) Our house
45.) Sleeping with momma and papa

And wow. I didn't realize how many things they came up with until writing this out. So now I'm impressed. With everyone and everything.

And I'm thankful.

Oh-so thankful for more than I could ever possibly write down. But the top of my list is certainly H and B. And J. Because he's pretty stellar, too.

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