Monday, March 3, 2014

D.C., Philly, Lititz, Oh My!

We've had an awesome whirlwind of a week.

A really great trip to the East Coast.

We saw a lot of people we love and didn't get to spend enough time with any of them. Ah, as is life, I suppose. I'm so thankful for the time we did get though!

We started out last Tuesday. The kids and I left around noon after their soccer was over to join J who was having meetings all week a little over an hour south of D.C. We arrived around midnight, despite all the "terrible blizzards and snow" I was warned about. The roads were perfect. We had less than an hour of very, very light snow. That didn't stick to the roads, ground, or windshield. So we were good.

Wednesday morning the kids and I moseyed around, had breakfast, and then headed to the nearest park and ride to catch the metro into D.C. They were super excited about the train for about two minutes. Then the thrill wore off.

We met up in D.C. with one of my dearest friends, Kate, and had lunch with her (well, the kids had chocolate croissants - that counts right?). Kate is gorgeous and glamorous and fun as always. I almost apologized for having not done my hair or make-up, but then I didn't, because fortunately you don't have to apologize about that kind of stuff with some people.

Then we ventured over to the Natural History Museum. I think the kids liked it. Especially the caterpillars and butterflies.

Then we brilliantly decided to walk to the Lincoln Memorial.

An easy walk when you're not lugging around two small children, for sure! And they weren't eager to walk themselves.

We wised up and took a cab back to Kate's apartment. One little somebody passed out cold during the very short drive. Another little somebody fought it hard, and managed to stay awake until 9p.m. that night!!

Thursday I had wanted to return to D.C. for more sightseeing, because you know, looking at monuments is fun. Even if you've seen them like 40 times all ready. Okay, if you're me, it is. The kids weren't keen on that idea so instead I took them to a nearby historical plantation. I didn't win any points with that one either. But it was gorgeous. I just wish my real camera hadn't died on me, or I could have gotten some good photos there!

H was so sweet and polite, despite her obvious lack of enthusiasm. I would explain something historical to her like the smokehouse or the blacksmith and she'd muster up a smile and say in monotone, "Oh, wow." B didn't even pretend to be having fun.

Yeah, guess they didn't get my history gene.

So we went back to the hotel and swam and watched Disney Jr. for 3 hours. The kids were fairly certain they'd gone to heaven, ha.

Friday morning J was done with meetings, so we hightailed it up to Philadelphia where my dad, step-mom, brother sister-in-law, niece, mom, and mom's boyfriend all were for the commissioning of the ship my brother is currently on - Somerset.

After a few plunders and mishaps, we finally met up with everyone at the ship in order for my brother to take us on a tour.

Miss H could not have been more excited to see her cousin, O! Before we'd headed out East we had gone to our local kids boutique because H had her own money to spend and wanted nail polish (and I'm a freak and only buy her "safe" nail polish). Well, she found a Hello Kitty necklace and wanted to buy that for her cousin instead with her money. It absolutely melted my heart (and I went ahead and bought her the nail polish myself, don't worry!). H promptly gave O the necklace and then they held hands and sang "Let It Go!" as we walked to the ship.


We were given an excellent tour of the ship by my brother.

Afterwards we headed for dinner and then passed out in the hotel room my mom so kindly got for us. I was out solid until 12:30 until the Bogans next door decided it was great time to have a spat. The dude yelled incoherently. The girl would randomly scream, "I f*cking hate you!" or "Don't f*cking touch me!" I was all about calling down the lobby, but Mr. B had unplugged the phone and was sleeping on top of me. Since it didn't disturb the kids or J I listened to the carrying-on until nearly 3am. Awesome fun, of course.

The next morning we headed out to the commissioning ceremony.

That's my brother!
The kids were all pretty awesome throughout the ceremony. I was impressed anyway.
 Ignore the fact that I have three pairs of mittens stuffed into my coat pockets. I try to keep things real.
We met up with everyone and went out for lunch at the City Tavern. It was a grand time and my sister-in-law got me a gift while we were there...

And then we walked back to where we were parked. The girls immediately broke into the cannoli chips and dip on the walk over. Never mind we'd just had a 3 hour lunch, ha.

And then we made the 2 hour drive west to J's sister's house in Lititz to spend the night. B cozied right up with J. Melt my heart.

And then we spent the morning visiting before finally heading off to return home.

We had an incredibly good time. It didn't last long enough with any of our family or friends. But we are so glad we got to see everyone.

And the kids and are happy to be home again!

For a few weeks anyway. ;-)


1 comment:

  1. Ki - you look just as "glamorous" as I do *without* haven taken any time to do your hair or makeup. How do you do that?!
