Saturday, November 17, 2012

The new style is "baby hooker"

When Miss H grew out of infant sized clothes I was admittedly a bit sad. It was such a blatant sign that she wasn't a tiny baby anymore. Plus, I loved the cutesy-ness of infant clothes. Toddler clothes included blue jeans and that seemed so grown up.

But we made the transition. I mean, it's not socially acceptable to keep stuffing your toddler into her baby clothes, even if its got lots of adorable ruffles and you personally hardly notice that the long sleeved shirt is a bit more like a t-shirt and she can't raise her could've been a style.

Well, we are in the toddler clothes, and I figure we will be on them for awhile. There are a lot of things I won't let her wear because I'm a fun-sucking mom like that : no techno-colored smiley faces. In general, nothing that says anything (though exceptions have been made). No characters. No sequins (though I gave in an bought her the sparkly Toms...though never again!). Mostly, I just like my kids to have normal, nice clothes. I don't care if these clothes come from Goodwill or Neiman Marcus, I just want them to be cute and appropriate.

Well, I made a quick jaunt through Target today on a mission for strawberry mum-mums. I walked through the girls section as I crossed through to the baby section. I wasn't really looking through the clothes, just walking by, but it was still enough to disturb me.

Apparently "baby hooker" is the current style.

Baby hooker will never be an acceptable style in my house. I don't think I'm a prude. I wear a bikini without hesitation. I have awesome cleavage that occasionally makes an appearance. I want my children to love their bodies and to be confident with and in their bodies.

But I also want them to deeply respect their bodies. And there is just nothing about baby hooker that screams "I respect myself!". Nothing.

I dread when my sweet girl is big enough to shop in the girls section. I dread that it will be difficult to find her appropriate clothes. I dread that I will not have taught her to respect herself enough.

The fact that this will ever be an issue speaks volumes about our society. I mean, clearly there is a demand for this type of clothing. That's deeply disturbing.

What happened to little girls looking like little girls?

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